Maurizio Bongiovanni, Rome based artist
Selected Solo & Two Person Exhibitions
2019 Fiore Aperto Fiore Chiuso, Galleria Richter, Rome, IT
2019 Peacock's Eyes, Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, IT
2019 Ever Fallen, Metodo Milano Artist Run Space, Milan, IT
2019 Window Project, Federico Lugar Gallery, Spazio 22, Milan, IT
2014 CRISCO DISCO and The Totem Paintings, at Fondazione FUORI!, Turin, IT
2012 As We May Think, Galleria Uno+Uno, Milan, IT
2012 It makes me tense, MARS Milan Artist Run Space, Milan, IT
2011 IARB International Art Residency Beijing at Where Where Art Space, Beijing, CN
2009 Abstraction-Action, Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, IT
Group Exhibitions
2023 London Art Fair, Madeinbritaly, London, UK
2020 Mistici Sensuali Contemplativi, Metodo Milano, Milan, IT
2020 EVERYDAY IS SUNDAY, Curated by John Wolf, UTA Artist Space, Los Angeles, USA
2020 TO PAINT IS TO LOVE AGAIN Curated by Olivier Zahm, Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2019 I hope this finds you well, Eve Leibe Gallery, London, UK
2019 Comic Tendencies, Eve Leibe Gallery, London, UK
2019 LANDINA, Esperienza di pittura en plein air, curated by Lorenza Boisi, Villa Fumagalli, Laveno, IT
2019 Le conseguenze dell'errore, TRA Treviso Ricerca Arte, curated by Valerio Veneruso, Treviso, IT
2019 Forme uniche nella continuità dello spazio, Galleria Rizzuto, an idea by Luigi Presicce, Palermo, IT
2018 Be Water Again, Project Space Koraï, Curated by Panos Giannikopoulos & Theodoulos Polyviou, Nicosia, Cyprus, CY
2018 NOCCIOLINE, promoted by Yellow, Milan, IT
2018 Painters - Painting - Painters, MARS Milan Artist Run Space, Milan, IT
2017 NATURE MORTE, Contemporary Still Life, Guildhall Art Gallery, London, UK
2017 Studio Freud, B&G Studio di Psicoterapia, curated by Fabio Carnaghi, Milan, IT
2017 MADEINBRITALY, Drawings from Lightning, London, UK
2016 Hmm..., curated by Roberto Ekholm | EKCO, Hilbert Raum, Berlin, D
2015 Notre avenir est dans l'air, Antiquarium Alda Levi, curated by Fabio Carnaghi, Milan, IT
2015 L'ESPRIT DE L'ESCALIER, DIMORA ARTICA, curated by Alice Ginaldi, Milan, IT
2014 Prière de Toucher, MARS/Milan Artist Run Space, Milan, IT
2014 2000 Maniacs - The Big Instant Painting Show, curated by Andrea Bruciati and Lorenza Boisi, Art Verona, IT
2014 Storytelling, Summer Academy curated by Felix Gmelin and Carl Fredrik Harleman, Salzburg, A
2013 La sequenza del fiore di carta, Incubatore, Sant'Elena, curatEed by Martina Cavallarin, Venice, IT
2012 Bianca feat. Mars, Galleria Bianca, Palermo, IT
2012 Anni' 10, INTERNO18, Cremona, IT
2010 Anni '10 Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, IT
2009 Stile Libero Italiano, Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, IT
Fellowships / Stipends
2014 Internationale Sommerakademie fur Bildende Kunst Salzburg, A
2013 Fellowship at Fundacion Valparaiso, SP
2012 GAI – Association for the Young Italian Artists Circuit – MOVIN’UP, IT
2012 The Visual Artist's Full Fellowship Award from Marin Community Foundation, The Vermont Studio Center, Vermont, USA
2012 Fellowship at La Napoule Art Foundation / Clews Center for the Arts, Fellowship, Cote d'Azur, FR
Residencies / Workshops
2019 Landina, Pittura di Paesaggi, Laveno Mombello, IT
2018 Fondazione Lac o Le Mon, Painting Symposium curated by Luigi Presicce and Laura Perrone, Lecce, IT
2014 Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte, visiting professors Liliana Moro / Mario Airò, Poirino, Turin, IT
2013 Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte, visiting professor Doug Ashford, Poirino, Turin, IT
2013 Fundacion Valparaiso, Mojacar Playa, Almeria, SP
2012 The Vermont Studio Center, Vermont, USA
2012 La Napoule Art Foundation / Clews Center for the Arts, Cote d'Azur, FR
2011 SIM Samband Islenskra Myndlistarmanna, Reykjavik, IS
2011 IARB International Art Residency Beijing, CHN
2014 Finalist, Castel Sant'Elmo, Naples, IT
2012 Finalist, Prize Francesco Fabbri, Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, IT
Curatorial projects
2014 Soggettività opere luoghi, CORRADO LEVI for FUOR! Artisti artist run space at Fondazione Sandro Penna, Turin
2013 Fuori! Artisti / 33 artisti celebrano la rivista Sodoma, Fondazione Sandro Penna, Turin (cat.)
Public talks
2014 SODOMA 30 ANNI DOPO, Salone internazionale del Libro di Torino with Enzo Cucco Gianni Farinetti, Angelo Pezzana
2014 "L'arte da parte", talk a cura di Associazione Edge, Milan
2013 Fuori! Artisti, Conversation with Arturo Schwarz about Art and Homosexuality, Fondazione Sandro Penna, Turin
2013 "Archivio Queer Italia" Independents ArtVerona curated by Giulia Casalini, conversation with Francesco Urbano Ragazzi, Verona
2013 Scatolabianca BLACK MATCH with Paola Angelini e Martina Cavallarin, Milan
Recent Publications / Press/ Articles / interview links
SMALL ZINE n.35, Alla fine di una lunga narrazione, Luglio 2020
La Chiave di Sophia, Magazine #12, Sentieri del corpo, Corpi liquidi, 2020
FUERTAVENTURA TIMES, Driving Inspiration from the Bible to Historic porn, 2020
ATP Diary, Talks, Fiore Aperto Fiore Chiuso, 2019
ARTRIBUNE, Pittura lingua viva. Parola a Maurizio Bongiovanni, 2019
ArtsLife, Dalla tragedia greca alla pornografia. La pittura come atto rivoluzionario, November 2019
ATP Diary, Simposio di pittura a Lecce, 2019
Artribune, n42 - 2018, Dagli Atomi ai bit & ritorno: Il glitch analogico
Queen&Country Magazine, 'An Artist's Life" by James Wilkinson, February 2018
L'UOMO VOGUE, A Vision for the people, May/June 2014 n. 451
The Pinch Journal, volume 34 issue 1, Spring 2014
Private collections in Italy, UK, Spain, USA, Canada, China, Lebanon and Switzerland